Tadi malam sempat membuka facebook
dan ada seseorang yang meng-share artikel berjudul “Akhirnya Terbongkar, Alasan
Michael Jackson dibunuh CIA! Sebarkan!” aha ngga mungkin! dan yah aku
menyempatkan diri untuk membaca dan akhirnya tertawa geli Hahaha karena lucu
iya lucu tapi kemudian berubah ngeri setelah membaca slogan blog-nya “memberikan
informasi fakta dan bukan opini”. Ini
slogan yang menyesatkan apalagi isi artikelnya tidak accurate.. Disini
aku ingin mengungkapkan mengapa artikel tersebut tidak akurat.
artikel yang bersangkutan merupakan hasil translate dari yournewswire [1] tertanda 21 December 2015 hanya
mengubah dari Inggris ke Indonesia.
ini yang menggelitik guys menghubungkan antara FSB, CIA, dan satelit
militer Kosmos 2450 Rusia... tulisan
ini persis dengan internet rumor yang beredar sehari setelah Michael Jackson
meninggal yaitu beredar pada 26 June 2009 di website whatdoesitmean[2](ini sudah terbukti internet hoax di tahun 2009 kenapa ada yang masih percaya
di tahun 2016? Hellllooooo???
Ketiga, Semua kebutuhan MJ selama
persiapan konser This is it dari sewa rumah, dokter pribadi, security, ahli nutrisi,
dll dibiayai oleh pihak promotor AEG bukan Sheikh. MJ dan Sheikh Abdullah bin Hamad
al-Khalifa terlibat perselisihan pada akhir 2008. Sheikh menggugat MJ karena
dinilai melanggar janji. Sheikh memberikan fasilitas baik tempat tinggal di Bahrain
maupun bantuan finansial dengan harapan mereka akan berkolaborasi membuat album
dibawah Al Khalifa's record company. Namun, projectnya tidak terwujud sehingga
Sheikh menggugat ke pengadilan. read here[3]
Keempat, Penyebab MJ meninggal itu karena gagal jantung yang dipengaruhi oleh obat anastesi propofol [4]. MJ terkena insomia akut, obat tidur tak mempan buat MJ tidur, obat anastesi biasa digunakan di rumah sakit menjelang pasien operasi. Dr.Murray terbukti lalai [5].
Hasil autopsy Michael Jackson[6]
Keempat, Penyebab MJ meninggal itu karena gagal jantung yang dipengaruhi oleh obat anastesi propofol [4]. MJ terkena insomia akut, obat tidur tak mempan buat MJ tidur, obat anastesi biasa digunakan di rumah sakit menjelang pasien operasi. Dr.Murray terbukti lalai [5].
Hasil autopsy Michael Jackson[6]
Keempat, Saudara MJ : Jermaine
dan Janet memang masuk Islam tapi Michael? Saya tidak ingin berspekulasi dan memberikan informasi yang tidak benar. Ini bukan kapasitas saya untuk membicarakan agama oranglain. MJ
sebelumnya penganut Jehovah’s Witness. Apakah masih sama atau telah berpindah, Saya tidak tahu.
Karen Fanye, makeup artis yang menangani MJ selama 27 tahun menceritakan hubungan MJ dan Jehovah’s Witnesses melalui blog-nya.
MJ sebelumnya melakukan dialog dengan penasihat spiritual Rabbi Shmuley Boteach (Orthodox Jewish) untuk membuat buku bertema parenting. Pada tahun 2009 Rabbi menerbitkan buku berdasarkan rekaman dialog antara tahun 2001-2002.
Karen Fanye, makeup artis yang menangani MJ selama 27 tahun menceritakan hubungan MJ dan Jehovah’s Witnesses melalui blog-nya.
MJ sebelumnya melakukan dialog dengan penasihat spiritual Rabbi Shmuley Boteach (Orthodox Jewish) untuk membuat buku bertema parenting. Pada tahun 2009 Rabbi menerbitkan buku berdasarkan rekaman dialog antara tahun 2001-2002.
SB : Do you think a hatred of pride is still a relie of your religious upbringing?
MJ : It hurt me a lot and it helped me a lot.
SB : How did it hurt you?
MJ : Er [long silence]. When I did certain things in the past that I didn’t realize were against the religion and I was reprimanded for it, it almost destroyed me. Certain things that I did as an artist in my music I didn’t realize I was crossing a line with them and when they chasted me, it really hurt me. It almost destroyed it. My mother saw it.
SB : Their disapproval, their rejection?
MJ : When I did the Moonwalk for the first time, Motown 25, they told me I was doing burlesque dancing and it was dirty and I went for months and they said, “You can never dance like that again.” I said 90.9 percent of dancing is moving the wasit. They said, “We don’t want you to do it.” So I went around trying to dance for a long time without moving this part of my body. Then when I made “Thriller” with all the ghouls and ghosts, they said that it was demonic and part of the occult and that Brother Jackson can’t do it. I called my lawyer and was crying and I said, “Destroy the video, have it destroyed.” And because he went against my wishes people have “Thriller” today. They made me feel so bad about it that I ordered my people to destroy it.
SB : So you have seen two sides of religion, the loving side that teaches you not to like pride and humility, but you have also seen what you would describe as mean-spiritedness and judgmentalism.
MJ : Because they can discriminate sometimes in the wrong way, I don’t think God meant it in that way. Like Halloween, I missed out on Halloween for years and now I do it. It’s sweet to go door-to-door and people give you candy. We need more of that in the world. It brings the world together.[7]
Rabbi on an interview after MJ died
"Michael was a very spiritual, religious man. He was not only a Jehovah's Witness, he was a missionary. ... He used to knock on people's doors selling Watchtowers. Then suddenly he fell out with the church. So you had this mega attention and nothing to balance and nothing to correct it. Little by little he became more egotistical. "
“... He was never going to become Jewish but he needed some sort of spiritual base. ...” [8]
Uri Geller
"Michael’s family was famously religious - they were Jehovah’s Witnesses and Michael occasionally disguised himself to join his fellow believers as they went from house to house, inviting people to think about God. As a grown man, he has moved beyond denominations of faith - his concern is not with religion but with spirituality. This gives him strength, but I think it is the joy he takes in life which keeps renewing his vitality - that, and a second factor which I shall describe in a moment."
Wawancara Primetime Live tahun 1995 bersama Diane Sawyer [9]
Diane: To finish up on that, though, are you a Scientologist? Are...
Michael: No.
Diane: No. Plan to become one?
Michael: I believe in spirituality and I believe in a higher source, such as God. But I'm not a Scientologist. I read everything. I like to read. I love to study.
Tom Mesereau pada 2005 trial
7 MR. MESEREAU: Ladies and gentlemen, [...]
12 I did mention yesterday that Mr. Jackson
13 owns approximately a million book. He does, but I
14 think I may have suggested that they were all in his
15 house. Actually, a lot of them are in storage. So
16 I want to make sure that’s clear. But he is a
17 voracious reader and book collector. [10]
MJ : It hurt me a lot and it helped me a lot.
SB : How did it hurt you?
MJ : Er [long silence]. When I did certain things in the past that I didn’t realize were against the religion and I was reprimanded for it, it almost destroyed me. Certain things that I did as an artist in my music I didn’t realize I was crossing a line with them and when they chasted me, it really hurt me. It almost destroyed it. My mother saw it.
SB : Their disapproval, their rejection?
MJ : When I did the Moonwalk for the first time, Motown 25, they told me I was doing burlesque dancing and it was dirty and I went for months and they said, “You can never dance like that again.” I said 90.9 percent of dancing is moving the wasit. They said, “We don’t want you to do it.” So I went around trying to dance for a long time without moving this part of my body. Then when I made “Thriller” with all the ghouls and ghosts, they said that it was demonic and part of the occult and that Brother Jackson can’t do it. I called my lawyer and was crying and I said, “Destroy the video, have it destroyed.” And because he went against my wishes people have “Thriller” today. They made me feel so bad about it that I ordered my people to destroy it.
SB : So you have seen two sides of religion, the loving side that teaches you not to like pride and humility, but you have also seen what you would describe as mean-spiritedness and judgmentalism.
MJ : Because they can discriminate sometimes in the wrong way, I don’t think God meant it in that way. Like Halloween, I missed out on Halloween for years and now I do it. It’s sweet to go door-to-door and people give you candy. We need more of that in the world. It brings the world together.[7]
Rabbi on an interview after MJ died
"Michael was a very spiritual, religious man. He was not only a Jehovah's Witness, he was a missionary. ... He used to knock on people's doors selling Watchtowers. Then suddenly he fell out with the church. So you had this mega attention and nothing to balance and nothing to correct it. Little by little he became more egotistical. "
“... He was never going to become Jewish but he needed some sort of spiritual base. ...” [8]
Uri Geller
"Michael’s family was famously religious - they were Jehovah’s Witnesses and Michael occasionally disguised himself to join his fellow believers as they went from house to house, inviting people to think about God. As a grown man, he has moved beyond denominations of faith - his concern is not with religion but with spirituality. This gives him strength, but I think it is the joy he takes in life which keeps renewing his vitality - that, and a second factor which I shall describe in a moment."
Wawancara Primetime Live tahun 1995 bersama Diane Sawyer [9]
Diane: To finish up on that, though, are you a Scientologist? Are...
Michael: No.
Diane: No. Plan to become one?
Michael: I believe in spirituality and I believe in a higher source, such as God. But I'm not a Scientologist. I read everything. I like to read. I love to study.
Tom Mesereau pada 2005 trial
7 MR. MESEREAU: Ladies and gentlemen, [...]
12 I did mention yesterday that Mr. Jackson
13 owns approximately a million book. He does, but I
14 think I may have suggested that they were all in his
15 house. Actually, a lot of them are in storage. So
16 I want to make sure that’s clear. But he is a
17 voracious reader and book collector. [10]
MJ selalu tertarik dengan topik hal-hal
spiritual (keagamaan), medis, ilmu psikologi, dan kekuatan mistery. Jadi, MJ punya
rasa ingin tahu yang besar dan minat baca yang tinggi. Bahkan pengacaranya, Tom
Mesereau pada dokumen 2005 trial mengatakan MJ punya banyak buku yang berada di perpustakaan Neverland dan
storage (tidak hanya gila baca tapi juga seorang kolektor buku langka). Jadi
tidak mengherankan jika MJ membaca dan mempelajari berbagai agama.
[3] Michael Jackson failed to keep £4.6million music deal, says Bahraini prince
[5] Conrad Murray Sentenced: Michael Jackson's Doctor Gets 4 Years In Jail
[6] Autopsyfiles.org - Michael Jackson Autopsy Report - jackson
[7] The Michael Jackson Tape by Rabbi Shmuley Boteach (Part II: Jehovah's Witness Years and Religion), 2009.
[5] Conrad Murray Sentenced: Michael Jackson's Doctor Gets 4 Years In Jail
[6] Autopsyfiles.org - Michael Jackson Autopsy Report - jackson
[7] The Michael Jackson Tape by Rabbi Shmuley Boteach (Part II: Jehovah's Witness Years and Religion), 2009.
[8] CNN- Jackson rabbi-friend : Singer was 'a tortured, tortured soul'
[9] Diane Sawyer-Michael Jackson & Lisa Marie Presley Interview (1995)
[10] Court_Transcript_3_01_2005
[9] Diane Sawyer-Michael Jackson & Lisa Marie Presley Interview (1995)
[10] Court_Transcript_3_01_2005
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